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Welcome to Her Success Story.

Women inspire me every single day. Their tenacity, wit, enthusiasm, power and grace have provided the world with amazing businesses that have transformed industries. Her Success Story is a podcast that allows these impactful and fascinating women to share their success journey with the world. Their triumphs, along with their failures. Their lessons, along with their leadership. And their determination to follow their dreams. Listen in each week as we talk to women in fashion, coaching, corporate, legal and so much more.

Our theme song is Irresistible Me by Cindy Rainne. 

Find me on LinkedIn - Ivy Slater
Follow us on Facebook - Slater Success Coaching
Twitter - @SlaterSuccessCC
Instagram - @ivyslaterssc

Jun 24, 2024

This week Ivy Slater, host of Her Success Story, chats with her guest, Cynthia Corsetti. The two talk about growth in leadership, embracing the disruptions and seeing them as an asset, and how to best promote success in your business and every member of your team.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • What prompted her to...

Jun 17, 2024

This week Ivy Slater, host of Her Success Story, chats with her guest, Amilya Antonetti. The two talk about embracing resistance and change for the betterment of self and business, the pain involved in true growth, and how we can condition ourselves for full awareness and sustainable success. She tells us, “Your...

Jun 3, 2024

This week Ivy Slater, host of Her Success Story, chats with her guest, KASH ROCHELEAU. The two talk about her story of rising to the top leadership position at Icon Foods, resiliency, growth, and the support systems that fueled her success.


In this episode, we discuss:

  • How her journey from being unhappy with her...