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Welcome to Her Success Story.

Women inspire me every single day. Their tenacity, wit, enthusiasm, power and grace have provided the world with amazing businesses that have transformed industries. Her Success Story is a podcast that allows these impactful and fascinating women to share their success journey with the world. Their triumphs, along with their failures. Their lessons, along with their leadership. And their determination to follow their dreams. Listen in each week as we talk to women in fashion, coaching, corporate, legal and so much more.

Our theme song is Irresistible Me by Cindy Rainne. 

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Feb 20, 2023

Linda McCabe

This week Ivy Slater, host of Her Success Story, chats with her guest, Linda McCabe. The two talk about Linda’s winding road to where she is now, what empowering advice she has for women, and the legacy she hopes to offer us all.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How Linda started in sales, and took over a small scrap metal business

  • What changes she made in the company to make it thrive, succeed, and be desirable enough to sell

  • What knowledge base she gained as a teacher that helped her to run a business

  • How she gained the clarity to start a women’s coaching group, and built a business out of this passion project

  • Why she didn’t actually retire

  • What profound advice she has for all women, and what legacy she hopes to offer

  • What empowering content can be found in Linda’s books and podcast

Semi-retired President and founder of Optimal Level, LLC, Linda McCabe, is a business strategist with four decades of proven success in business development, leadership, sales and success coaching. She is the author of “Optimal Level, A Woman’s Guide to Meeting Life’s Challenges”, “Sanity and Success for the Working Women “and “How to be Powerful.” Linda owned a struggling scrap iron and metal company which she grew to millions in sales.  She has helped hundreds of clients find ultimate achievement in business.

She is the host of the Podcast Lightning Strikes, Interviews with Magnificent Minds where listeners are struck by awesome ideas to help them bolt to a new level of success.
