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Welcome to Her Success Story.

Women inspire me every single day. Their tenacity, wit, enthusiasm, power and grace have provided the world with amazing businesses that have transformed industries. Her Success Story is a podcast that allows these impactful and fascinating women to share their success journey with the world. Their triumphs, along with their failures. Their lessons, along with their leadership. And their determination to follow their dreams. Listen in each week as we talk to women in fashion, coaching, corporate, legal and so much more.

Our theme song is Irresistible Me by Cindy Rainne. 

Find me on LinkedIn - Ivy Slater
Follow us on Facebook - Slater Success Coaching
Twitter - @SlaterSuccessCC
Instagram - @ivyslaterssc

Dec 31, 2018

Ivy SlaterIn this episode, Ivy gives us a sneak peek into the continued journey of writing her second book! She also talks about the January series coming up on Her Success Story featuring authors and writers.

Ivy shares a few stories about impactful relationships in her life, throughout various businesses, and the value that...

Dec 24, 2018

Mark and John CroninMark Cronin
John Cronin

John’s Crazy Socks




John Lee Cronin
Chief Happiness Officer

John Cronin is a 22-year-old...

Dec 17, 2018

Debra Jean McGinness
CEO, New Hope Community, Inc.

Ms. McGinness (Debbie) is a health care and executive professional who has served both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors.

Debbie began her career as a pediatric RN (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia [CHOP]).

Following her pediatric clinical career, Debbie...

Dec 10, 2018

Josh Kaye

Executive Director, NY State, Best Buddies

Josh Kaye is the State Director for Best Buddies New York. In his role he oversees the development, operations of Best Buddies...

Dec 3, 2018

Stacy  Francis, CFP®, CDFA®, CES™

President and CEO

Francis Financial, Inc.


Stacy Francis is the President and CEO of Francis Financial, Inc., a fee-only boutique Wealth  Management, Financial Planning and Divorce...